Our programs are AWESOME and they are AFFORDABLE. Did you know that we charge our weekly fees on a sliding scale so that a families’ income, or lack of it, does not preclude them from enrolling their children in our awesome, child-led, and inquiry-based programs? We make up the difference in the cost care through fundraisers, federal support, grants from organizations and corporate donations, and gifts from local community members like you because every child deserves an awesome early childhood experience! (You can donate now as part of our Fall [[virtual]] Fundraiser here!)
August 1: This photo explains exactly why we work so hard at King’s Daughters!! We love when Alumni come to visit. We are proud of you, Olive!
Here’s what Olive’s mom had to say about the impact of our program and staff on her daughter and family:
Olive’s first school experience left such a big impression on her (and me) that a year later, we still talk about King’s Daughters all the time. Everyone knew her name, and there wasn’t a teacher or administrator who did not regularly take time out of their day to greet her with a warm smile and listen to what was going on in her world. Olive got labeled “shy” a lot at that age, but empowered with a sense of belonging, she felt free to be her creative, exuberant self at school. She soon extended the same welcoming spirit to new classmates who didn’t know anyone.
The importance of treating children with care, dignity, and respect cannot be overestimated. Now more than ever, kids need adults in their lives to show them what it means to build and nurture community. My kids and I were so fortunate to be part of this one for a while.
August 9, staff in-service: Shout out to “El Fuego” for providing our team with a delicious lunch. We had a great kick-off and training with great people! Awesome slideshow here: https://www.facebook.com/239284296170352/videos/1736197589812341/?t=9
August 17: What a great way to take care of ourselves at King’s Daughters. Thank you, Mrs. Anne for showing us “Yoga” moves!
August 24: What a joyful noise! Music time with Ms. Yolanda and our friends is always so much fun! Humpty Dumpty and Salt Shaker are some of our children’s favorites!
We would love to count you as one of our monthly supporters. Do you know it only takes $13 to provide a weeks’ worth of breakfast, lunch, and a hearty snack for one child at the center? And make it $24 and you can provide food and supplies for a whole week! We will gladly accept your gift of any amount – and will be especially grateful if you can commit to making it a monthly donation. Go to this site: https://kdchild.org/make-a-donation/ and then click on the Paypal button and check the “Make this a monthly donation” box to make it happen. Thank you!